When the seasons change, so should your approach to lawn care. Different weather brings about different needs for your property as well as for your yard equipment. We've created the following guide to winter lawn care, helping you strategize for the coming colder months. If you have any questions or want to shop yard equipment for sale, visit Cliff Jones Mahindra Tractor. Our dealership is located in Sealy, Texas, and we proudly serve those in Houston and Victoria as well.

Make The Most Of Good Weather

As fall transitions into winter, there will be some sporadic good weather days. Take advantage of them! Keep an eye on the weather forecast and tackle projects before temperatures plummet. The more you can get done now, the easier your winter lawn care will be.

Keep Yard Equipment Well-Maintained

Of course, it's hard to take advantage of good weather if your yard equipment is in poor condition. If it's been a while since you've used your yard equipment, take a minute to inspect the various models. Make sure they are operational. If you uncover any problems, get them addressed as soon as possible. You can always take yard equipment to our dealership to get repaired or replaced.

Aerate Your Lawn

Another key aspect of winter lawn care is dealing with frost. Once frost settles on the ground, the top layer creates a sort of seal. This makes it difficult for fresh air to hit the soil underneath.

Keep a watch on the weather forecast for frosty days. If you notice an upcoming cold day, try to aerate your lawn before the frost arrives. That way, the soil will be fresh and better prepared.

Fight Back Against A Deep Freeze

There's always the chance of a bitterly cold night. If excess moisture has accumulated in lower points of your yard, it could end up frozen. Scope out your property and chip away at any ice that forms.

Be Intentional About Footpaths

Yes, it's okay to walk about on your lawn. But it's not ideal to continually go over the same parts. This can interfere with the grass health and its ability to evenly grow in the spring. The damage can happen even when the grass is underneath a layer of ice. If you often walk on your lawn, try to change up the routes.

Clear Away Debris

By now, there may be a decent amount of fallen debris accumulated on your lawn. It's tempting to wait and deal with it in spring, but we advise against that approach. All of this debris can actually suffocate your lawn. Cleaning up the debris is an important part of winter lawn care. With the right yard equipment, such as a blower or vacuum, it can be done easily and efficiently.

Prune The Plants

An often overlooked part of winter lawn care is pruning your plants. This step is often easier in cold weather - since there won't be bountiful vegetation blocking your view like you may have in the summer and fall. Pruning helps prepare your plants for spring growth, so it's best to get it done by late winter.

Make Your Yard Equipment Shopping List

Is yard equipment going to be on your holiday wish list? Your family and friends may be happy to gift you yard equipment...but may have no clue what to get you. Make it easy on them! Write up a detailed description of any and all models you want. Be clear about the make, model, specifications, and any added features. Then send them to our yard equipment dealership where we can help them get your presents ready to go!

We hope you enjoyed this winter lawn care guide! For more lawn maintenance tips or to shop yard equipment for sale, chat with the experts at Cliff Jones Mahindra Tractor. We can answer questions, suggest models, and assist with anything you need. Scope out our inventory online or visit our dealership in Sealy, Texas. We also proudly serve those in Houston and Victoria, Texas.