Cliff Jones Tractor Finance Department
Welcome to Cliff Jones Tractor's finance department, your tractor loan resource. Check out our online tractor loan calculator for an instant loan rate, and then proceed to our online finance application. All types of credit, from good to bad, can qualify for a tractor loan, so don't worry! No credit, no problem! We will work with you to secure a no-credit loan if your situation demands it. Cliff Jones Tractor has strong relationships and is committed to finding you the perfect loan company to suit your tractor financing needs.
Low-interest tractor loans are available for customers with existing loans. We can help you refinance your loan or adjust the term of the contract. You're just a step away from approved tractor financing!
If you've decided you want to finance your new Mahindra® tractor, you are not alone. Seventy percent of buyers choose tractor financing as the best option. With a minimum down payment and approved credit, you can arrange financing with us and get out on the road a few hours after picking out your new or preowned equipment
Plus, you can add in all your parts and accessories, service agreements, tractor insurance and more. You'll have everything you need, and you can accomplish all of this and keep it with one low monthly payment.
Here at Cliff Jones Tractor of Sealy, Texas, we finance more tractors than anyone else, so we understand your special needs. That's why we make the process easy for you! Apply today!